[FeaturePart1 classified by color]When you fill in the diary, by selecting the "color", diary registration and at the same time are classified by color.In the diary list, you can either be "displayed for each color", you can also "displayed for each date."[FeaturePart2 hash tag function]When you enter the "# string" to the diary text, automatically recognizes the hash tag, you can well organize a diary.The hash tag that you entered in the past, you can call at any time in the "tag icon".Of course, hash tags that have registered will be able to tag search in the diary search.
[FeaturePart3 image attached unlimited]Even from the gallery, even from a camera, you can attach images to any number of images.
[FeaturePart4 Smart Search]Put a "#" in the search word you do the hash tag search.If you search without the "#", to find the diary text.Diary you're looking for will always be found.
[FeaturePart5 calendar]The calendar, the number of diary posted on that day will be displayed.
[FeaturePart6 share function]Saved diary, you can share with your friends at any time.
[FeaturePart7 post date and time]You can choose freely the date and time that you want to post a diary.You also can post past events, you can also post the schedule of the future.Posted date and time can be modified at a later.
[FeaturePart8 theme]You can dress up in your favorite theme. 20 colors to choose!You always find a favorite theme.In addition, it can also be free to change wallpaper image of the home screen.Of course, also possible change the character size of the diary.In your own design, you can produce a personality.
[FeaturePart9 password lock]By setting a password lock, you can get the secret diary.Set the password on the settings, and you select the "password lock", will be displayed "lock icon" to the home screen.When you tap the "lock icon", you can password lock at any time.※ even if you exit the app such as a back button, you may not be locked. so recommend that tap the "lock icon" before the end.
[FeaturePart10 backup function]Backup of data can be done at any time."ColorDiary" folder on the internal storage when you tap the "data backup" of the Settings, a file "item.db" is created in it. You can restore the data in the new terminal at the time of change models.
To restore the data, create a folder "ColorDiary" to the internal storage of the new terminal, place the "item.db" that was backed up in it. Tap the "data import" of the Settings is the restoration is complete.